Day 27&28: Delhi Halt (20th Sept - 21st Sept 2014)

27th Day - Delhi Halt (20th Sept 2014)

When I woke up at 7 am, Lochan had just reached home. Chatted with him for some time. While Loch caught with his sleep, I gave Chitti ( that's what Linda calls my Royal Enfield .Inspired from the movie of one of our favourite actors - RAJNIKANT !!! ) for a much-needed servicing at the Mayapuri. The GPS made navigating to the servicing centre a child play. A lot of work had to be done on Chitti. The most important one was wheel alignment as Chitti was wobbling when riding at a low speed. The service in-charge estimated 4k for the service and told me that Chitti would be delivered the following evening.

I had no other plans, so I decided to service myself too. I got a haircut and pampered myself with Chopsuey at the freedom restaurant.

I headed back to Loch's place and spent the rest of the day updating my travelogue.

Pic: Loch captures me updating my travelogue

Later in the evening, Loch took me to a house party. Saw the dark underbelly of Delhi. Anyways a good round of drinks and dance ensured a sound sleep. Slept @ 3 am.

At the end of 27th day, I had travelled 22km.

28th Day - Delhi Halt (21th Sept 2014)

Woke up at around 10 am to a lazy Sunday. Loch ordered for chicken paratha for breakfast. I got myself a body massage. It was more of body servicing.

Went to fetch Chitti from the Enfield Mayapuri service station. Chitti was back at his best.

Next in the plan was to catch up with long lost friends. First in the list was Nauraj. My childhood friend who was now a father to a handsome child. I had only seen his son in the facebook pictures. It becomes a bit too difficult to digest a scene of your childhood friend holding his son. The sudden realisation of the game that time is playing on you punches real hard. He was now settled in Delhi for good. Nauraj’s mother quickly made some roti and curry for us. Loch and I could not afford to miss an opportunity to have a meal with ‘mother's touch’.

Intikhab was next on my hit list. A friend who will always hold a special place in my heart because he had invited me to stay with him in JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) hostel when I had nowhere to stay during my MBA summer internship days. He was my school friend but had not been in touch with him since our schooling days. When he came to know that I was looking for a temporary place to stay for my internship, he insisted that I should come over to stay with him.

Touchdown JNU

The drivers of the country

The legendary terrace party @ JNU

JNU is a separate world within Delhi. It is governed by a parallel law designed by the student's community. I had a cultural shock for the initial few days. I had never expected to see a lonely girl going for a walk at 1 am, that too in the heart of Delhi! The one and a half months that I spent amongst the brightest intellect there is the best memories of my MBA days. Once I was exposed to the JNU culture I had a pang of regret for not studying there. Later in the night, we had dinner together from the legendary JNU dhaba.

After we returned to Loch’s place, I called Linda. I could make out that all the stress that she was taking because of this trip of mine was pushing her towards the breaking point. She cried over the phone and reminded me of my promise - Not a scratch on my body till I reach home.

At the end of the 28th day, I had covered a distance of 50 Kms.

(Do read the other days chronicle listed on the same page)

#Royalenfield  #trip #leh #bikeride #adventure #ladakh #travel

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